Calories: 341
Fat 7.8g — Saturated (0.58g), Trans (0g), Cholesterol (0g), Protein 10.5g (21%), Dietary Fiber 17.4g (70%), Calcium 164mg (16%), Folate 161.4mcg (40%), Omega-3 0.1mg (4%), Iron 4.6mg (26%)
Vitamin K (86%), Vitamin C (67%), Vitamin A (63%), Manganese (49%), Potassium (47%), Vitamin B1 (44%), Magnesium (36%), Vitamin B6 (30%), Phosphorus (19%), Copper (17%), Vitamin B3 (13%), Pantothenic Acid (13%), Zinc (7%), Vitamin B2 (6%), Selenium (5%)
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Nutritional Spotlight: Quinoa
Quinoa is the queen of superfoods. Unlike other grains, it is a complete protein source on its own. It’s also a rich source of fiber, folate, and iron, containing about 20% of your daily need for each in one cup cooked. Quinoa can be purchased in bulk to save on money and packaging, and it should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place or even in the refrigerator. It’s best to rinse and drain quinoa just before cooking; otherwise you may notice a slightly bitter taste due to the outer coating. Prepare quinoa just like rice (1 part dry quinoa to 2 parts liquid), bring it to a boil then cover and simmer on low until all water is evaporated, about 15 minutes for one cup. Quinoa will double in volume when cooking, so if you need one cup cooked, as in this recipe, use just ½ cup of dried quinoa.