Preheat oven to 400º. Halve potatoes and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, gut and stuff with an egg. Continue to bake for 20 minutes. Once the egg is cooked remove from oven and spread Better Bean’s Roasted Chipotle Bean Dip and add toppings of your choice!
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Meet Amanda! She is a wife and mother to two tinies! She is a health and fitness enthusiast who helps to educate others on how to eat well, but still enjoy what they’re eating by creating recipes that are to die for! She began eating whole foods only, when she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis back in 2010. Ever since then she has been on a mission to rejuvenate her body, and heal through natural remedies- which means healing through what she feeds, and doesn’t feed, her body! Amanda is a 25 year old foodie fit mama, with zero lack of delicious (and nutritious) foods in her life!
Instagram: @amandaaanicole_